Wolf & Raven Read online

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  “Of course, you must go then.” It was her father that had spoken, her father that sounded eager for her to go and she turned pulling the door open. Without a word she left her mother and father’s hut and slipped out into the night. Closing the door behind her, she heard them start arguing again and ran from them both.

  The night for the village brought terrors that could not be seen. Spirits that inhabited the natural world were usually benign yet dark ones came out at night. Wight’s protected the ancestral mounds to the east and mischievous elves caused trouble to those caught out in the all-encompassing darkness. Yet Kari had never felt any fear of the night, never felt any danger from the dark.

  Raven protected her, yet it was not Raven who ruled the night. She had been taught from a young age that Raven ruled the air, saw far and protected the dead and dying. Wolf ruled the warriors, hunted close and protected those who fought and lived by its song but it was Hare, Hare who ruled the land and the night time. It was Hare who ruled the darkness and those things that lived within it. It was shamans, such as she would become, that spoke for the three of them and as such she was sacrosanct for to attack another’s protected shaman would start a war and such a war had not been fought for a thousand years.

  Yngrid had no such protections. The night would be full of terrors for her as she walked the distance to the tree and yet Kari knew the warrior would come. Anything Kari could do Yngrid had to prove she could do as well. She would brave the night simply because her friend had. It was that bravery that had stolen her heart so long ago, her bravery and her compassion. Smiling she walked along the path to their secret place.

  It was a tree, far away enough from the village to be peaceful and quiet, close enough that they could run back if any trouble came quickly enough. An oak tree, it grew as they had done and standing next to it Kari could feel the ancient spirit within slumbering peacefully. If roused she knew it would release a tree spirit of frightening power for she had felt its spirit one night when she sought to escape the fear and the arguments.

  Approaching the tree, she could see Yngrid waiting for her. She wore a simple dress of white that clung to her body and for a moment she looked like a spirit. Ethereal and beautiful in the night as moonlight kissed her hair and her grey eyes called to her. Kari felt her face flush and she looked at the ground as she walked before looking up and seeing the scabbard at her friend’s side she smiled. You never go anywhere without that blade. It is as much a part of you as you are of me.

  “What is so important Kari? It is late and dark and cold and some of us are not made for the night.” The young woman complained but her eyes smiled where her face did not and Kari felt her heart beat faster.

  The moonlight shone down and illuminated them both. Even between the dying leaves of the oak tree, it seemed to reach them so that they may see each other as they talked and Kari placed her palm against the tree, felt the spirit within and sent it a silent thought of thanks. Turning to her friend she felt her stomach twist into knots as she spoke. “I am going in a few days, leaving to begin my training. Raven has called for me and when I leave I will not be permitted to see anyone until I have become his shaman.”

  Yngrid reached over and touched her arm. She could feel her friend’s fingers through the material of her dress, burning into her. “And I will miss you my friend but you will not be gone forever Kari. We will see each other again.” She smiled, “After all, I cannot be put into a song without my friend there to hear it.”

  “I have given much thought to why Raven chose me.” She gazed at the ground, unable to face looking at her friends face whilst she spoke. “I wondered about it for a long time before I knew. He chose me because he knew in his wisdom that I would not be able to rear children for the village.” She looked up into those grey eyes of her friend and whispered “He knew I was to be different Yngrid.”

  “You are not different!” The harshness of Yngrid's voice surprised her “Do not listen to the fools of this village. You are just the same as me, a warrior just with a different set of weapons.” Looking up she saw Yngrid lean against the oak. “Besides, I have seen you and you are good with the children. If they are hurt, they come to you and you treat them with nothing but love and compassion. You would make a fine mother.“ The blond haired warrior shook her head. “I am the one who will be terrible Kari. I only wish to feel the rush of battle, the dance of death. I have no wish for love play or the rearing of children, especially with the men of this village.”

  Kari shook her head “You do not understand Yngrid. Being a shaman means I must treat all fairly.” Reaching out she took hold of Yngrid’s hand and pulled it to her chest. Placing the palm of her friend against her heart, she whispered “Yet there is one here who I cannot stop thinking of. There is one who haunts my nights and who I cannot stop dreaming of. There is one here who I would care about above the whole village.”

  “Kari. Why are you being so strange? Who is this person that has stolen your heart? I have not seen you around Olaf the farmer’s son or Georg or Beorn. Which of the village men has taken the interest of my best friend? You do not leave yet so there is still time if you wish to be with them.”

  Closing her eyes Kari shook her head. Why can’t you make this easy for me you dolt? "Yngrid you are not listening. I am different because my heart does not belong to one of the village men.“ Refusing to let go of Yngrid’s hand she pushed forward, leant up and before Yngrid could do anything she pressed her lips to the warriors.

  Her heart pumped wildly as she felt Yngrid’s lips against hers. Soft and tender she felt an aching violence, power being restrained as a hand came up to her back, pulled her close. For one shining moment everything was forgotten. Her impending call to go to Raven, the fights of her parents, the way the village looked at her. Everything became secondary to the feeling of her love's body against her.

  Then everything fell apart. The air became thick with fear and Yngrid stiffened, shook off her hand and pushed her away. “Kari what are you doing!” The warrior gasped it as she pushed Kari away. Looking into those grey eyes, she saw the same fear she saw in everyone else and her heart turned to ash.

  Shaking her head she whispered “No, not you too.” Tears ran down her face; fear that was bright shone in her eyes before she turned to run. “I’m sorry,” she managed to gasp as she turned. “I shouldn’t have, I’m, sorry. You won’t see me again.” Legs moving Kari ran into the night trying to outrun her desire for the fair-haired warrior, her shame at the needs she felt in her breast.

  Yngrid blinked as her own heart beat faster. Go after her idiot. She admonished herself and took a step towards the fleeing Kari. One arm raised, a finger reaching out towards her before she felt the fear she had felt before. Dropping her arm Yngrid turned for home. She will be alright she thought as she moved. I hope.

  Chapter 3

  Yngrid walked home slowly. Kari’s lips still burned against hers and she remembered the feel of the young willowy woman pressed against her. It was not unpleasant like the feeling of the village men who pressed against her. Her blood ran hot as she remembered the trembling breast against the palm of her hand as Kari’s hand pressed it there and for the first time in her life she wanted something other than the fight. No, she is to be a shaman. I cannot think of this. Yet some barely restrained violence made her muscles shiver.

  Why does she feel this way for me? I am no one special. She knew the rest of the village treated Kari with respect but little warmth. Their lips spoke politely enough but even Yngrid had seen their eyes as they looked anywhere but at the strange young woman who would only try and help them. Only the young children or those who needed healing would seek her out she knew. Does she only want me because I am her friend when no one else is?

  For the first time she wished she had someone to talk to but Kari was the only one she had ever felt comfortable opening up to. And now she had chased her away. Punching her leg in frustration, she sighed and exclaimed “Idiot!” out loud before lap
sing into her thoughts once more. I will talk to her tomorrow. I will let her know I am not angry with her and am still her friend.

  Still the kiss burned on her lips; still, her blood ran hot with something she couldn’t quite identify. She stopped walking, turned slightly. Should I go after her? Her eyes scanned the darkness for things she could not see. What would I do if I found her? She flushed as the memory of the kiss stole her thoughts from her and shaking her head she tried to clear the image. Words did not come easily to her. She had always been happier with her blade in her hand, letting her actions speak but in this, she felt as clumsy as any newborn babe.

  The wind brushed her hair, made it move and scowling she stopped, her hand flying to the pommel of her blade. She could see the path she was on easily. The village path was lit by the moon high ahead yet her instincts screamed at her. The wind rushed past her, whispers that only she could hear on the air as it blew gently in the night. Whispers that rose to a voice that softly brushed her ear and quietly said “Beware,”

  Yngrid felt her blood run cold. The spirits were supposed to warn the shaman of the village, not warriors like her. She could do nothing and with her heart pounding, she looked back the way Kari had gone. Kari why did you run away! Turning back to the village she began to run. There’s no time to fetch her. Raven take you Kari! As quickly as she could, she navigated the path to the village so she could warn Obon the shaman.

  With every step closer she got to the village she felt more and more worried. Fear ran its icy fingers down her back and she had to fight to keep running. A soft light broke the cold ambience of the moon and she stopped as to the side of her from the undergrowth came something that made her heart quail.

  Slowly a ball of light floated from the undergrowth and waited on the path. A companion to the dead, a wraith spirit! Her heart beat fast even as she tried to keep her breathing slow and gentle. Hand on the pommel of her blade but knowing it would do no good if the wraith decided to take her she stood still and quietly she waited for it to move.

  A wraith spirit this close to the village was a bad omen she knew. The shaman was supposed to protect the village. They did the rituals and held the offerings. Had Kari’s reckless behaviour broken Raven’s protection for them? Shaking her head Yngrid dismissed the idea. It could not be that. Kari was not yet shaman and had not taken any vows to break.

  The wraith spirit bobbed gently on the air as it came towards her and then bobbed away. It wanted her to follow it but she had been warned ever since she was young to ignore them. They would lead her to more of the wraiths and their dread touch would steal the life that they so desired from her body. Once again it came towards her and then away and once again she ignored it. I hope Kari is ok. Of course she is ok, she is Ravens. He will protect her. Yet she worried as she watched the light warily.

  A soft sound, the breaking of a stick behind her and the wraith spirit moved, bobbing gently into the undergrowth once more. Looking behind her Yngrid could see nothing and called out “Kari?” Waiting for a response, she got nothing and ice formed in her stomach. With her back itching as she felt eyes on her, and scanned the darkness once more before beginning to walk slowly towards home. The night is alive with danger tonight she told herself. I have to be careful.

  Arms wrapped around her as a hand came across her mouth cutting off any sound. Acrid smoke and sweat assaulted her nose as an arm wrapped around her body holding her tight. “You’ll make a fine prize girl,” The voice whispered quietly into her ear, “Carry me many young.” Terror flooded Yngrid’s body as her attacker began to pull her back into the undergrowth and with that terror there was a fire she had never known. Twisting her head she bent and bit down hard on his hand.

  He grunted as salty heat filled her mouth and he snarled, twisted her around and back handed her. She sprawled to the floor, and she looked up to the shadowy figure. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you bitch,” he hissed and pulling a knife from his belt he walked towards her.

  Terror gave way before the white heat that filled her spirit and she waited for him to come closer before her legs shot out. Kicking out Yngrid felt her feet connect with his knee and smiled as he let out a surprised gasp of pain. Scrabbling away she got to her feet, pulled Sun-fire and the blade’s light lit the night. Before he could act she swung, the blade arced through the air, light following in its wake and he went down with blood gushing from his throat.

  As he dropped, she saw his weapons, his face and turned. Shadows seemed to flow past her towards the village, dark shapes that could only mean ill and her eyes went wide. Raiders! The thought fed her fire and the night turned red as anger gave way to rage. Running towards the village she screamed “Raiders! Raiders!” at the top of her lungs as Sun-fire in her hand glowed lighting her way.

  Men came towards her in the dark and she saw the glint of steel in the red haze. Snarling she battered one blade away as another cut into her arm. The pain was fleeting, a moment only and then her hand struck out, punched the second assailant in the face. Bone crunched, and she saw the satisfying colour of blood. Parrying a thrust, she twisted, brought her blade up and let her momentum carry her around. Sun-fire caught in the man’s ribs and he fell to the ground with blood running from his mouth.

  A second attacker ran at her and with no weapon she felt herself shouting meaningless words and ran at him. Before he had a chance to swing she jumped at him, wrapped him up in her arms and pushed his head to one side. Biting down on his neck, she jerked, felt blood spray against her face as they both went down and getting to her feet she felt a laugh bubble up from inside. Opening her mouth, wide Yngrid laughed loudly into the night.

  Fire burst around them and harsh guttural war cry’s filled the air. Darkness became banished as men in leather and fur rushed the homes. Cowards, they would attack at night with no warning. They shall have no honour upon their deaths. I shall kill them all!

  One of the raiders spotted her and ran screaming towards her. She ran laughing to meet him swooping down with her hand to pick up Sun-fire as she ran. At her touch its light glowed stronger, its edge glowing white with her rage.

  In one hand the raider held an ugly weapon, a sword with a nicked edge and ill looked after. In the other a wooden shield which he held up to protect himself. Yngrid did not care, did not think. She only acted and with rage fuelling her muscles she brought Sun-fire down in an overhead chop. The sword cut through the wooden shield and the arm that held it and she saw them both as they fell to the floor. A keening sound made her look up and surprised she saw the raider holding his the stump of his arm, strange noises coming from him. She thrust, the point of her blade piercing his chest and cutting through his body to appear out of his back without effort.

  She spat as he fell backward, unable to form the words she wanted, and she pulled out her blade. Eyes alight with battle she looked around and saw the village was awash with fighting. People she knew good people, were being cut down by the raiders and screaming she ran into the middle of the battle. Dancing from enemy to enemy, arms red with slaughter and her blade blazing with her fury she felled any raider who got to close.

  “Kill her!” The shouts went up around her and as she watched a group of five rushed towards her with swords held high and screaming she took Sun-fire in both hands and cut sideways across them. Their blades shattered as Sun-fire met them and bits of broken metal fell to the floor before she was taken down to the floor.

  The raiders used the broken bits of their swords to stab at her but she ignored the pain, ignored the blood that flowed as she bit and clawed and sliced with her blade. They were no match for her rage and soon they lay dead. Standing, covered in red from wounds too numerous to mention and her opponent’s blood Yngrid laughed joyfully.

  Smoke from the burning buildings filled the air, mixed with the stench of death and she coughed as smoke filled her lungs. Around her lay the dead and dying and she moved on, looking for anyone she could save, anyone she could fight. Blood dripped down from her
skin to join the blood that soaked the ground. It made the paths treacherous and slippery but the battle rage would not let her stop as she moved ever onwards in search of something to kill.

  Breaking into the centre of the village, she stopped. She saw her home on fire, the forge destroyed as raiders ran from it, their arms filled with metal and items forged by her father. Raising her blade she screamed and saw them turn towards her with fear in their eyes. She took a step forward, her eyes on the raiders before her sight fell to the floor and everything stopped.

  The battle rage fell from her as she collapsed to her knees. “Mother? Father?” The lifeless bodies of her parents stared at her from the ground, their lifeless eyes open and unseeing as the fire raged around them in the night. Raising her face to the heavens she felt the ice of grief fill her spirit, felt the pain of loss in her heart.

  A pain, hard and fast erupted in her side. It blossomed into an agony that radiated over her entire body. Shaking she fell forward, her body suddenly weak and felt a sickening wrench as something was pulled from her side. Her hand closed tightly over her blade she laid on top of it as her eyes slowly closed.

  Mother, father, I beg you forgive me. I have failed you. Her last thoughts ran through her head as darkness claimed her and with her last heartbeat she prayed Kari, forgive me. Raven, I beg of you keep her safe.

  Chapter 4

  Kari ran from the tree and her friend as tears ran down her face. Fear that she had pushed her friend away for good and shame that she had forced herself on Yngrid mixed into a terror that consumed her. She couldn’t face Yngrid, couldn’t face her parents knowing they would not care. Instead, she ran, ran into the darkness where she could be alone, where she could disappear until it was time for her training to start.